Download Shadow and Bone PDF Book Leigh Bardugo

Shadow and Bone PDF is the first book in a young adult fantasy series titled Six of Crows. It was written by Leigh Bardugo, who has written several other popular young adult novels.

Information About Shadow and Bone PDF

Book Name Shadow and Bone PDF
Written By Leigh Bardugo
Published Date  2012
Page Count 203 Pages
Download Size  1.4 MB
Downloads 60,256 Downloads

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Review of Shadow and Bone Book PDF

Shadow and Bone is the first book in the Grisha trilogy. This book follows Alina Starkov as she tries to figure out who she is, what she can do and how to save her country.

Alina Starkov seems like a normal girl. She lives in a small village with her best friend Mal, who is a grisha (which means “magic user”). Alina’s father is an important military man in Ravka, but he dies in battle before Alina can even remember him. The current king takes her father’s lands for himself and moves his family into the palace.

When Alina turns 16 she’s sent away to study at The Fold, which is where all of the Grisha learn how to use their powers. Once there she finds out that she has abilities that no one else has ever seen before. But there are also people trying to kill her because they think she might be dangerous.

She must learn what she can do and learn how to use it while keeping herself alive long enough for her friends back home to find her and help her save the world from evil monsters.

Shadow and Bone PDF Book

Common FAQs Shadow and Bone PDF

Where can I get a free copy of Shadow and Bone PDF by Leigh Bardugo?

The easiest way to get a free copy of Shadow and Bone Book by Leigh Bardugo is from our website and another best way is to find it on the internet. Using the search function of your browser, search for Shadow and Bone PDF by Leigh Bardugo and you will find many websites that offer this book in PDF format.

Is it possible to read Shadow and Bone PDF on my phone?

Yes, but only if the e-book has an app for your phone operating system such as Android or iOS. If not, then it’s not possible because the e-book is only available in PDF format which cannot be read on phones (at least not yet).

Why did you create this book?

The Author was inspired by Russian mythology, mythology from other countries, fairy tales and folklore stories I read as a child. I wanted to create my own world with its own legends and creatures — like the Grisha — but with some differences from what we know about traditional mythologies.

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